Islam was born in Arabia which had a handful of followers, to begin with. Muhammad roamed around, preached his religion, and tried to convince people to accept it. The majority of tribes in Arabia were either pagans, Jews, Christians, or others. Muhammad was born in one of the pagan tribes Banu Quraysh himself that took care of Ka’ba, a pagan temple. Islam got its followers only after Muhammad started his military activities in Arabia and conquered the nearby countries. Is it the promise of paradise or booty that draws people to Islam or there’s more to it? We will try to find out the reasons people discuss in hush-hush about why people are drawn to Islam.
Fear is one of the prime reasons why innocent non-Muslims convert to Islam. When Muhammad could not convince the people of Arabia to follow his religion, he could not take the resistance and criticism of his religion, he used the means of violence to force people to submit to Islam. His followers followed him.
The hallucination of paradise full of virgins
After embracing Islam, the game of invasion, loot, rape, forced conversions, plunder, and booty hunting began in the name of Jihad. Why? Because Prophet Muhammad reassured the new converts that they are acting in name of god and they will enter paradise if they spread Islam. Those who had converted out of fear started enjoying the booty they got after every invasion. This would lure them to plunder as much land as they could. In the arid desert of Arabia where the conditions to sustain human life were brutal, no water, less food, harsh weather, aloofness, Prophet Muhammad made them believe that there exists a paradise that can be attained, where there is limitless food, water, and virgins. The followers got what they were looking for - hope. But humanity paid a hefty price for it.
When a person born in Islam realizes the reality of it, can he leave Islam? No, he could barely do anything to come out of it. If the person ever tried to convert to another religion, he could be slaughtered on the charges of apostasy. Devoid of any option, such individuals had to continue the militant religion. Isn’t it strange and funny at the same time that a person gets a revelation from an angel, then keeps getting one every time he needs something, again gets one when things need to go his way, he starts this fanatic religion of complete submission to one ideology, it spread like wildfire and not 1400 years later, it is second-largest religion of the world.
On the salvation day (Qayamat ki raat), only Muslims would survive and Infidels and sinners would burn in hell. The fear of life leads most Muslims to carry on the baggage of Islam for generations. They fear social boycott from the Muslim community. Meanwhile, very few of them came out of the cage of Islam and embraced peaceful religions.
Some non-Muslims out of curiosity and adventure, experiment with other religions. incidents of Christians becoming Muslims to join ISIS made headlines on several occasions. The kind of weapons, support, freedom to violence they would get after becoming a Muslim fascinates them.
There are many who converted in order to prove their hatred for idol worship (found mostly in Sanatan Dharm). Islam has always seen idol worshippers as the most despicable human beings, something they need to destroy. Unfortunately, our Dalits brothers convert to Islam in search of equality and opportunity end up being just a pawn at hands of Muslims.
Those who fear Islam become strong advocates of Islam. They believe if they appease Islam, they will be spared by Muslim communities and won’t burn in hell. The more they abuse and mock other religions and their believers, the more faithful they look in the eyes of Muslims.
Stockholm Syndrome, an interesting web of mind which garners sympathy for your abuser, kidnapper, or someone causing harm to you. Your mind is the state of trauma that tries to resonate with itself. It conditions your mind to think of reasons why someone would do this to you, and you try to understand their reasons. This is a way of mind to escape, to forget the trauma that you are experiencing, and instead sympathize with the abuser. In recent years, it has also become a source for some pseudo-liberals to prove Islam a religion of peace. Anish Kapoor is one classic example of this. Everything that has to do with Jihad or Islamic terrorism is mocked by him as Islamophobia. Such people are hardly found embracing the truth about the violent character of Islam rather they want to focus on proving how peaceful and merciful it is.
What is it that draws people to Islam even with an underlying violent streak?