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Factors deciding the fate of UP Assembly Elections 2022: Part Six

Shabari Seva Staff

For the last many years, population control has emerged as one of the most discussed topics. Uttar Pradesh, being the most populous state of the country, has been at the centrestage of the discussion. More the population, less the resources. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister fathoms this very well and he is ready to deal with this issue head on. To this end, Yogi Adityanath today introduced the state’s population policy 2021-30. The Chief Minister underlined the menace of increasing population and called it the 'root cause' of major problems including inequality. It becomes necessary to know what this policy has in its kitty.

  • According to the UP population control draft bill, there will be no government job and subsidy for those with more than two children

  • In Uttar Pradesh, people with over two children won’t be allowed to contest local bodies elections.

  • As per a draft of a population control bill put up on the state law commission website, such people won’t be able to apply for government jobs or receive any type of subsidy

  • There will be incentives for people with two or less than two children

  • People having more than two children will be prohibited promotions in government jobs

  • People can give their suggestions on the draft bill till July 19

  • The provision of this legislation shall apply to a married couple where the boy is not less than 21 years of age and the girl is not less than 18.

According to the draft, “it is necessary to control and stabilise the population of the state for the promotion of sustainable development with more equitable distribution”. As per the UP-State Law Commission (UPSLC) website, once it gets enacted, the provisions of the proposed legislation titled The Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilization and Welfare) Bill, 2021 will be implemented after one year from the date of publication in the Gazette.

This bill can prove a milestone and can inspire other states to enact something similar. Majority of the Indian population has been looking for such a law for a long period so that the shrinking job opportunities and resources could be handled efficiently. UP voters are certainly going to take this into consideration while voting. Nevertheless, it can also lead to polarisation of votes as a large section of Muslim voters and Muslim leaders are against the bill. On the other hand, the majority of Hindu population has appreciated the move. This gives all the reason for polarisation to take place. In case of polarisation, Yogi Adityanath will emerge as a clear winner.


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