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Amanatullah Khan threatens Yati Narsighanand: Islamic tradition of beheading to suppress criticism

Shabari Seva Staff

Amanatullah Khan, an Indian politician called for the beheading of Yati Narsighanand Saraswati, a Hindu priest. Mr. Khan tweeted, “We can not tolerate such impertinence for our beloved Prophet Muhammad. This hateful insect should be awarded the most severe punishment by slitting his tongue and neck. But the law of the land does not permit us to do this, we have faith in the Indian constitution, and I want Delhi Police to take note of this.”

Why the priest, Narsinghanand deserves beheading according to Mr. Khan?

On 9th April, Friday, thousands of Muslims gathered at the Islamia ground in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh after their prayers.The mob shouted to behead the priest.

Danish Ali recorded a video: He boasted, if an opportunity allows, he will behead the priest. To encourage others to kill the priest, he announced the award of Rs. 51 lakh for the killer. He clarified that he will sell his house and jewelry to raise Rs. 51 lakh.

Danish Ali reminds the priest that he messed with the wrong people by speaking against the ‘creator of the world’.

What did the priest do to offend the Muslims?

Reza Aslan, a professor of Creative Writing at University of California Riverside, wrote a book, ‘Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth’. Reza in the book labels Lord Jesus as a rabble rouser and bandit.

The world knows Lord Jesus as a symbol of love. I saw Christianity through Mahatma Gandhi’s eyes. He imbibed Lord Jesus’s message, “whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

Reza Aslan murders Lord Jesus’s persona in broad daylight and then goes on the lecture circuit. When Lauren Green asked Reza Aslan, “Does your religion affect our interpretation?” The US media jumped on her. Why did she bring in Reza’s religion in the discussion? High school students learn to analyse the text in the context, the time period, culture, author’s perspectives and so on.

Christians in America and the rest of the world did not declare fatwa against Reza Aslan. Still, he enjoys good ol’ USA’s hospitality without any fear.

A pamphlet at JNU campus described Durga mata as sex worker. Hindus including Bengalis got offended but riots didn’t break out.

Diana West commented on a book ‘A God Who Hates’ by Wafa Sultan:

With rare courage and candor, Wafa Sultan throws open the shuttered windows on Islam, letting clean, bright sunshine pour into its darkest corners to illuminate Islam from the inside. This is where she lived it, confronted it, and ultimately rejected its sacralized teachings--on women, on marriage, on children, on Christians, on Jews, on freedom of conscience, on war, on world domination--as a humanity-warping pathology based on hate and fear. Such is the fascinating psychological analysis that is the underpinning achievement of A God Who Hates: With unique insight and unstinting compassion, Wafa Sultan, a trained psychiatrist, employs her expertise to put Islam on the couch. The results of her analysis will startle, engage, deepen and transform every reader's understanding of Islam forever.”

Quite a few authors have written books analyzing Islam, critiquing it along with criticizing the founder. Here are some examples.

Ayaan Hisri Ali who grew up as a Muslim in Somalia has criticized Prophet Muhammad’s character and personality traits.

Ibn Warraq, an ex-Muslim wrote ‘Why I am not a Muslim?’ and ‘Leaving Islam’.

“Those who practice the Muslim faith have resisted examinations of their religion. They are extremely guarded about their religion, and what they consider blasphemous acts by skeptical Muslims and non-Muslims alike has only served to pique the world's curiosity. This critical examination reveals an unflattering picture of the faith and its practitioners. Nevertheless, it is the truth, something that has either been deliberately concealed by modern scholars or buried in obscure journals accessible only to a select few.”

Ali Sina, Iranian Ex-Muslim wrote a book ‘Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah's prophet’. Amazon website gives a blurb on the book:

What causes Muslims to be violent? What spurs them to riot and murder over the silliest things?

To understand Muslims, one must understand their prophet. This psychobiography seeks to unveil the mystery of Muhammad.

Historians tell us he used to withdraw to a cave, spending days wrapped in his thoughts. He heard bells ringing and had ghostly visions. He thought he had become demon possessed, but his wife reassured him he had become a prophet.

Convinced of his superior status, Muhammad was intolerant of those who rejected him, assassinated those who criticized him, raided, looted, and massacred entire populations. He reduced thousands to slavery, raped, and allowed his men to rape female captives. All of this, he did with a clear conscience and a sense of entitlement.

He was magnanimous to those who admired him, but vengeful to those who did not. Not only he believed he was the most perfect human creation, but the universe's raison d'être.

Robert Spencer wrote, ‘The truth about Muhammad: Founder of world’s most intolerant religion’

Douglas Murray debating Zeba Khan remarked, “Then you've got the life of Mohammad. Again, a bad man, a very bad man. It happens to be that not a great role model if you look at it. Takes child brides, abuses a small girl, multiple wives, himself a warrior, himself a war criminal, himself beheads Jews. This, I would have thought, would be a signal of not great peacefulness.” Ms. Khan's parents were in the audience. The audience listened to both debators and dispersed without any commotion.

In the West, some people have lost their lives. When Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of Muhammad, Islamists killed 12 innocent French people while injuring 11 others.

On October 16, 2020, a French teacher asked Muslim students to leave the class if they want to, because he was going to show Prophet Muhammad’s cartoons. Abdoullakh Anzorov, an 18-year-old Russian Muslim refugee of Chechen ethnicity beheaded Samuel Patty near the schools where he taught.

President of France, Emmanuel Macron sticked in Laïcité secularism defended Samuel Patty’s rights, “He was killed because Islamists want our future," while vowing "they will never have it.” He also added, “We will not give up cartoons.”

UK’s Prime Minister Borris Johnson supported Macron, “Our thoughts are with the victims and their families, and the UK stands steadfastly with France against terror and intolerance."

Far away from Malaysia, Mahathir declared ‘Muslims have the right to kill French’.

For eons, writers, artists, movie makers have analysed and critiqued Christians, Jews, Buddhist, Zoroastrians and others.

What did Narsinghanand say?

“If Islam’s reality, for which Maulana says, ‘If you speak about Muhammad, we will behead you’, Hindus should get rid of this fear. We are Hindus. If we can talk about the characteristics of Lord Ram, and other Hindu deities, then Muhammad is nothing for us. Why could not we speak about Muhammad and speak truth?”

Another politician AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi exclaimed, “Insulting Prophet (SAW) is unacceptable. Can these criminals acting as religious teachers get over their unnatural fixation with Islam? For something that you do not like, you do spend a lot of time on it. I’m sure there’s enough in your own belief system that you can discuss....”

Owaisi knows growing up in plural and secular India that Hindus themselves critique their own religion ad nauseum. He may have watched Bollywood’s numerous movies making fun of Hinduism.

If a Hindu analyses a text, critics it, revises it, he may be considered a saint. That’s how Hinduism continues to dynamically improve herself.

Owaisi grew up in Hyderabad, went to law school and actively reaps the benefits of Indian democracy and secularism.

Indian Muslims who grow up with secularism and pluralism in Indian can lead a path for Muslims all over the world to become tolerant of criticism just like the majority of the religions of the world.

Twitter has not banned Amanatullah Khan inspite of protest from India for his murderous tweet.

Muslim intelligentsia can glorify Islam in writings including poetry, movies, architecture and in other ways. Muslim intelligentsia justifies Islamic conquest in Arabian peninsula, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, Spain, Northern Africa, Spain. During the conquest, the armies killed children, women and men and there were destruction of conquered territories and yet we are considered Islamophobic. We are only allowed to glorify and justify the cruelty of Islam.

But in India, anytime Islam or especially Prophet Muhammad (Peace upon be him) is discussed, any comment is made, riots break out and innocent peoplle get killed.

A Muslim mob stormed two police station, pelted stones and torched the vehicles near police station over a Facebook post that was allegedly derogatory to Prophet Muhammad. Four people died and several others were injured during the riots that followed in Bangalore city.

The atheist bloggers in Bangladesh are being threatened, attacked and put into exile for protesting against religious fanaticism.

So many riots have broken out in India because of the perceived slate of Muslims.

Why Muslim consider Prophet Muhammad pbuh so delicate? In his lifetime, unlike Lord Mahavir, Lord Buddha, Guru Nanak, Prophet Muhammad engaged in warfare in Arabian peninsula and won many battles. Why his followers are giving Prophet Muhammad extra-extra protection? They feel he can’t handle the criticism.

Yati Narsinghanand is doing a favor by publicly commenting that we shall analyze Islam including Prophet Muhammad. With modern technology, people are searching info on Islam and the prophet; the information is widely available. The earlier Muslim community realises, they cannot suppress the information. In the long term, they are better off. How long Muslim intelligentsia will pretend that the world does not know facts on Islam and the prophet?



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